Centre for High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy
1. Nyathi TM, Fadlalla MI, Fischer N, York APE, Olivier EJ, Gibson EK, Wells PP, Claeys M Co3 O4/TiO2 catalysts studied in situ during the preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide: the effect of different TiO2 polymorphs
Catalysis Science & Technology, 13, 2038-2052 (2023)
DOI: 10.1039/d2cy01699k
2. Ntola P, Friedrich HB, Singh S, Olivier EJ, Farahani M, Mahomed AS
Effect of the fuel on the surface VOx concentration, speciation and physicochemical characteristics of solution combustion synthesised VOx/MgO catalysts for n-octane activation
Catalysis Communications 174, 106571 (2023)
3. Nair GB, Krishnan R, Janse van Vuuren A, and Swart HC
Synthesis of Cesium lead bromide nanoparticles by ultrasonic bath: A polar-solvent-free approach at room temperature
Dalton Transactions 52, 70 (2023)
DOI: 10.1039/D2DT03689D
4. Vlasukova L, Komarov F, Makhavikou M, Van Vuuren A, Skuratov V, Dauletbekova A, Neethling J, Wendler E, Zuk J, Parkhomenko I, Milchanin O
Effects of swift heavy ion irradiation on the InAs and Zn-based nanoparticles ion-beam synthesized in silica
Vacuum 208, 111697 (2023)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2022.111697
5. Rymzhanov RA, Volkov AE, Ibrayeva AD
Modelling of nanocrystalline insulators response to swift heavy ion irradiation
Computational Materials Science 221, 112078 (2023)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2023.112078
6. Jivanji M, Forbes RP, Sithebe H, Westraadt JE
Effect of ZrB2 additions on the thermal stability of polycrystalline diamond
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 113, 106202 (2023)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2023.106202
7. Mwanza P, Dealtry G, Lee M, and Moore S
Transmission Electron Microscopy Observation of Morphological Changes to Cryptophlebia Leucotreta Granulovirus following Ultraviolet Irradiation
Pathogens 12, 590 (2023) DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens12040590
8. M Ahmed, L Coetsee, WE Goosen, ZN Urgessa, JR Botha, A Venter
Characterization of Bi-doped ZnO nanorods prepared by chemical bath deposition method
Physica B: Condensed Matter 666, 415105 (2023)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2023.415105
9. L Jakob, L Tutsch, T Hatt, J Westraadt, S Ngongo, M Glatthaar, M Bivour, and J Bartsch
Multifunctional Titanium Oxide Layers in Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells formed via Selective Anodization
Solar RRL (Accepted)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/solr.202300418
10. S Gandidzanwa, N Beukes, SV Joseph, A Janse Van Vuuren, P Mashazi, J Britton, G Kilian, S Roux, T Nyokong, ME Lee, CL Frost, and ZR Tshentu
The development of folate-functionalised palladium nanoparticles for folate receptor targeting in breast cancer cells
Nanotechnology 34, 465705 (2023)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/acec52
11. M A Makhavikou, O V Milchanin, I N Parkhomenko, L A Vlasukova, F F Komarov, V N Yuvchenko, E Wendler, D S Korolev, A V Mudryi, V D Zhivulko and A Janse van Vuuren
Structural and optical properties of Zn-implanted silica: effect of fluence and annealing
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 56 (2023) 405110
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/acdc37E50
12. D Kalita, I Jóźwik, Ł Kurpaska, Y Zhang, K Mulewska, W Chrominski, J O'Connell, Y Ge, WL Boldman, PD Rack, Y Wang, WJ Weber, J Jagielski
The microstructure and He+ ion irradiation behaviour of novel low-activation W-Ta-Cr-V refractory high entropy alloy for nuclear applications
Nuclear Materials and Energy 37, 101513 (2023)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nme.2023.101513
13. Ibrayeva A, O'Connell JH, Mutali A, Rymzhanov R, Skuratov R
Transmission Electron Microscopy and Molecular Dynamic Study of Ion Tracks in Nanocrystalline Y2Ti2O7: Particle Size Effect on Track Formation Threshold
Crystals 13, 1534 (2023)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst13111534
1. Mwanza P, Jukes M, Dealtry G, Lee M, and Moore S
Selection for and Analysis of UV-Resistant Cryptophlebia Leucotreta Granulovirus-SA as a Biopesticide for Thaumatotibia leucotreta
Viruses 14, 28 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/v14010028
2. Majewska R, Mayambo NAS, Smit AJ, and Goosen WE
New observations on the diatom genus Druehlago (Bacillariophyta) and description of two new species from South Africa
Phycologia 61, 1, 75-98 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00318884.2021.2012037
3. Ibrayeva A, Mutali A, O'Connell J, Janse van Vuuren A, Korneeva Ek, Sohatsky A, Rymzhanov R, Skuratov V, Alekseeva L, and Ivannov I
Swift heavy ion tracks in nanocrystalline Y4Al2O9
Nuclear Materials and Energy 30, 101106 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nme.2021.101106
4. Bankole OM, Ojubola KI, Adanlawo OS, Oluwafemi KA, Adedapo AO, Adeyemo MA, Olaseni SE, Oladoja NA, Olivier EJ, Ferg EE, Ogunlaja AS
Atmospheric CO2 mediated formation of Ag2O-Ag2CO3/g-C3N4 (p-n/n-n dual heterojunctions) with enhanced photoreduction of hexavalent chromium and nitrophenols
Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 427, 113800 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphotochem.2022.113800
5. Ntola P, Friedrich HB, Mahomed AS, Olivier EJ, Govender A, and Singh S
Exploring the role of fuel on the microstructure of VOx/MgO powders prepared using solution combustion synthesis
Materials Chemistry and Physics 278, 125602 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2021.125602
6. Suliali NJ, Goosen WE, Janse van Vuuren A, Olivier EJ, Bakhit B, Högberg H, Darakchieva V, and Botha JR
Ti thin films deposited by high-power impulse magnetron sputtering in an industrial system: Process parameters for a low surface roughness
Vacuum 195, 110698 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2021.110698
7. Engelbrecht JAA, Minnaar EG, Van Dyk EE, Westraadt JE, Sephton B, Lee ME, and Henry A.
Assesment of a model to calculate the refractive index of AlXGa1-XN epilayers using the multi-oscillator model simulation of the infrared reflectance
Physica B: Condensed Matter 625, 413484 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2021.413484
8. Vilane V, Knutsen R, and Westraadt J
Tensile property and microstructure assessment of hydrogen treated Ti-6Al-4V alloy
Materials Characterisation 184, 111698 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2021.111698
9. Notayi M, Hunter L, Engelbrecht JAA, Botha AF, Minnaar EG, Lee ME, and Erasmus R
The application of Raman spectroscopic ratiometric analysis for distinguishing between wool and mohair
Journal of Natural Fibers, 19, 15, 11536-11546 (2022)
DIO: https://doi.org/10.1080/15440478.2022.
10. Talla A, Suliali NJ, Goosen WE, Urgessa ZN, Motloung SV, and Botha JR
Effect of annealing temperature and atmosphere on the structural, morphological and luminescent properties of TiO2 nanotubes
Physica B: Condensed Matter 640, 414026 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2022.414026
11. Engelbrecht JAA, Sephton B, Engelbrecht HA, Botha JR, Goosen WE, Minnaar EG, Lee ME, and Henry A
Comparison of experimental results with theoretical models for the temperature dependence of the band gap of AlxGa1-xN epilayers
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10854-022-09027-6
12. Tsikayi D, Hattingh DG, Bernard D, Steuwer A, Westraadt J, Goosen W, and Buslaps T
Effect of Direct energy surface modification on fatigue life of rotary friction welded Ti6Al4V ELI fatigue coupons
International Journal of Fatigue 163, 107096 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2022.107096
13. Westraadt JE, Goosen WE, Kostk A, Wang H, and Eggeler G
Modified Z-phase formation in a 12% Cr tempered martensite ferritic steel during long-term creep
Materials Science and Engineering: A 855, 143857 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2022.143857
14. Abdullaev A, Koshkinbayeva A, Chauhan V, Nurekeyev Z, O’Connell J, Janse van Vuuren A, Skuratov V, Khafizov M, Utegulov JN
Depth-resolved thermal conductivity and damage in swift heavy ion irradiated metal oxides
Journal of Nuclear Materials 561, 153563 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2022.153563
15. Ghyngazov SA, Boltueva VA, O’Connell JH, Vershinina TN, Kirilkin NS, Rymzhanov RA, Skuratov VA, and Surzhikov
Swift heavy ion induced phase transformations in partially stabilized ZrO2
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 192, 109917 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2021.109917
16. Heitmann U, Westraadt J, O’Connell J, Jakob L, Dimroth F, Bartsch J, Janz S, and Neethling J
Spray Pyrolysis of ZnO:In: Characterization of Growth Mechanism and Interface Analysis on p Type GaAs and n Type Si Semiconductor Materials
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14, 41149-41155 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.2c07585
17. Lambrechts IA, Thipe VC, Katti KV, Mandiwana V, Kalombo ML, Ray SS, Rikhotso R, Janse van Vuuren A, Esmear T, and Lall N
Targeting Acne Bacteria and Wound Healing In Vitro Using Plectranthus aliciae, Rosmarinic Acid, and Tetracycline Gold Nanoparticles
Pharmaceuticals 2022, 15, 933
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ph15080933
18. Janse van Vuuren A, Mutali A, Ibrayeva A, Sohatsky A, Skuratov V, Akilbekov A, Dauletbekova A, Zdorovets M
High-Energy Heavy Ion Tracks in Nanocrystalline Silicon Nitride.
Crystals 2022, 12, 1410
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst12101410
19. Rymzhanov RA, Akzhunussov A, Volkov AE, Ibrayeva AD, and Skuratov VA
Thermal conductivity of Al2O3 irradiated with swift heavy ions.
Nuclear Materials and Energy, 2022, 33, 101267
DOI: 10.1016/j.nme.2022.101267
1. Chipise L, Batane NR, Jain PK, Coetzee SH, Odera BO, Goosen W and Cornish LA
Hardness Characteristics of As-cast Ni-Ru-Zr Alloys
Journal of Mining and Metallurgy Section B: Metallurgy 57(2), 261-270 (2021)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/JMMB200307022C
2. Coombes MJ, Olivier EJ, Prestat E, Haigh SJ, Du Plessis E and Neethling JH
Iron-silica interaction during reduction of precipitated silica-promoted iron oxides using in situ XRD and TEM
Applied Catalysis A: General 613, 118031 (2021)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apcata.2021.118031
3. Korneeva EA, Ibrayeva A, Janse van Vuuren A, Kurpaska L, Clozel M, Mulewska K, Kirilkin NS, Skuratov VA, Neethling J and Zdorovets M
Nanoindentation testing of Si3N4 irradiated with swift heavy ions
Journal of Nuclear Materials 555, 153120 (2021)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2021.153120
4. Mbulanga CM, Erasmus R, Olivier JE, Ahia CC, Meyer EL and Botha JR
Synthesis of epitaxial pentasodium trioxoundecafluoro-trititanate with plate-like morphology on fluorine-doped tin oxide coated glass substrates
Open Ceramics 8, 100181 (2021)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceram.2021.100181
5. Matthews RP, Knutsen RD, Westraadt JE and Couvant T
Adaptation of the Point Defect Model to Simulate Oxidation Kinetics of 316L Stainless Steel in the Pressurised Water Reactor Environment
Corrosion Science 185, 109454 (2021)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2021.109454
6. Nyathi TM, Fadlalla MI, Fischer N, York APE, Olivier JE, Gibson EK, Wells PP and Claeys M
Support and Gas Environment Effects on the Preferential Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide over Co3O4 Catalysts Studied in situ
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 297, 120450 (2021)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apcatb.2021.120450
7. Wang H, Kostka A, Goosen WE, Eggeler G and Westraadt JE
TEM replica analysis of particle phases in a tempered martensite ferritic Cr steel after long term creep
Materials Characterization 181, 111396 (2021)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2021.111396
8. Zaborowska A, Kurpaska Ł, Clozel M, Olivier EJ, O'Connell JH, Vanazzi M, Di Fonzo F, Azarov A, Jóźwik I, Frelek-Kozak M, Diduszko R, Neethling JH and Jagielski J
Absolute radiation tolerance of amorphous alumina coatings at room temperature
Ceramics International 47, 34740-34750 (2021)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2021.09.013
9. Luketić KT, Karlušić M, Gajović A, Fazinić S, O’Connell JH, Pielić B, Radatović B, and Kralj M
Investigation of Ion Irradiation Effects in Silicon and Graphite Produced by 23 MeV I Beam
Materials 14, 1904 (2021)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14081904
10. Karlušić M, Rymzhanov RA, O’Connell JH, Bröckers L, Luketić KT, Siketić Z, Fazinić S, Dubček P, Jakšić M, Provatas G, Medvedev N, Volkov AE, and Schleberger M
Mechanisms of surface nanostructuring of Al2O3 and MgO by grazing incidence irradiation with swift heavy ions
Surfaces and Interfaces 27, 101508 (2021)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfin.2021.101508
11. Karlušić M, Mičetić M, Kresić M, Jakšić M, Šantić B, Bogdanović-Radović I, Bernstorff S, Lebius H, Ban-d’Etat B, Žužek Rožman K, O’Connell JH, Hagemann U, and Schleberger M
Nanopatterning surfaces by grazing incidence swift heavy ion irradiation
Applied Surface Science 541, 148467 (2021)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.148467
12. Majewska R, Ashworth MP, Bosak S, Goosen WE, Nolte C, Filek K, Van de Vijver B, Taylor JC, Manning SR, and Nel R
On Sea Turtle-Associated Craspedostauros (Bacillariophyta), with Description of Three Novel Species
Journal of Phycology 57, 199–218 (2021)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jpy.13086
13. Ahia CC, Tile N, Meyer EL, Olivier EJ, and Botha JR
Morphological and geometric phase analysis of GaSb/GaAs quantum dots grown at atmospheric pressure using MOVPE
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 32 (22), 27097-27106
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10854-021-07080-1
1. Abdullaev A, Chauhan VS, Muminov B, O’Connell J, Skuratov VA, Khafizov M and Utegulov ZN
Thermal transport across nanoscale damage profile in sapphire irradiated by swift heavy ions
Journal of Applied Physics 127(3), 035108 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5126413
2. Bernard D, Hattingh DG, Goosen WE and James MN
High Speed Friction Stir Welding of 5182-H111 Alloy: Temperature and Microstructural Insights into Deformation Mechanisms
Metals and Materials International (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12540-020-00622-y
3. Chauhan VS, Abdullaev A, Utegulov Z, O’Connell J, Skuratov V and Khafizov M
Simultaneous characterization of cross-and in-plane thermal transport in insulator patterned by directionally aligned nano-channels
AIP Advances 10(1), 015304 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5125415
4. Engelbrecht JA, Botha JR, Engelbrecht Jr JA, Dobson S, Minnaar EG, O'Connell J and Goosen WE
On the refractive index of InSbxAs1-X
Physica B: Condensed Matter 578, 411759 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2019.411759
5. Genga RM, Rokebrand P, Cornish LA, Nelwalani N, Brandt G, Kelling N, Woydt M, Janse van Vuuren A and Polese C
High-temperature sliding wear, elastic modulus and transverse rupture strength of Ni bonded NbC and WC cermets
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 87, 105143 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2019.105143
6. Genga RM, Rokebrand P, Cornish LA, Zeman P, Brajer J, Woydt M, Janse van Vuuren A and Polese C
Roughing, semi-finishing and finishing of laser surface modified nickel bonded NbC and WC inserts for grey cast iron (GCI) face-milling
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 86, 105128 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2019.105128
7. Genga RM, Zeman P, Brajer J, Ofem NL, Rokebrand P, Cornish LA, Nelwalani N, Janse van Vuuren A and Polese C
Effects of Mo2C, Ni binder and laser surface modification on WC inserts for turning Ti-6Al-4V
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 87, 105145 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2019.105145
8. Janse van Vuuren A, Ibrayeva AD, O'Connell JH, Skuratov VA, Mutali A and Zdorovets MV
Latent ion tracks in amorphous and radiation amorphized silicon nitride
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 473, 16-23 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2020.04.009
9. Janse van Vuuren A, Ibrayeva A, Rymzhanov RA, Zhalmagambetova A, O’Connell JH, Skuratov VA, Uglov VV, Zlotski SV, Volkov AE and Zdorovets M
Latent tracks of swift Bi ions in Si3N4
Materials Research Express 7(2), 025512 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/ab72d3
10. Janse van Vuuren A, Ibrayeva AD, Skuratov VA and Zdorovets MV
Analysis of the microstructural evolution of silicon nitride irradiated with swift Xe ions
Ceramics International 46(6), 7155-7160 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2019.11.209
11. Kratochvílová I, Ashcheulov P, Škarohlíd J, Škoda R, Kopeček J, Sajdl P, Macák J, Lajčinová M, Nováková A, Neethling J, Janse van Vuuren A, Ngongo S, Xu P, Lorinčík J and Steinbrück M
Zr alloy protection against high-temperature oxidation: coating by a double-layered structure with active and passive functional properties
Corrosion Science 163, 108270 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2019.108270
12. Majewska R, Ashworth MP, Bosak S, Goosen WE, Nolte C, Filek K, Van de Vijver B, Taylor JC, Manning SR and Nel R
On sea turtle‐associated Craspedostauros (Bacillariophyta), with description of three novel species
Journal of Phycology (2020) [Accepted]
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jpy.13086
13. Majewska R and Goosen WE
For better, for worse: manatee‐associated Tursiocola (Bacillariophyta) remain faithful to their host
Journal of Phycology 56(4), 1019-1027 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jpy.12993
14. Mastoroudes BC, Markgraaff J, Wagener JB and Olivier EJ
Synthesis of cesium, sodium and nitrogen derived titanates using the Pechini sol-gel method
Chemical Physics 537, 110816 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemphys.2020.110816
15. Mbulanga CM, Goosen WE, Betz R and Botha JR
Effect of surface properties of ZnO rods on the formation of anatase-phase TiO2 tubes prepared by liquid deposition method
Applied Physics A 126(3), 180 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00339-020-3355-5
16. O'Connell JH, Lee ME, Skuratov VA and Rymzhanov RA
SHI induced tetragonal tracks in natural zirconia
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 473, 1-5 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2020.04.002
17. Olivier EJ, Neethling JH and Van Rooyen IJ
Investigation of the structure and chemical nature of Pd fission product agglomerations in irradiated TRISO particle SiC
Journal of Nuclear Materials 532, 152043 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152043
18. Rymzhanov RA, Medvedev N, O'Connell JH, Skuratov VA, Janse van Vuuren A, Gorbunov SA and Volkov AE
Insights into different stages of formation of swift heavy ion tracks
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 473, 27-42 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2020.04.005
19. Rymzhanov RA, O'Connell JH, Janse van Vuuren A, Skuratov VA, Medvedev N and Volkov AE
Insight into picosecond kinetics of insulator surface under ionizing radiation
Journal of Applied Physics 127(1), 015901 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5109811
20. Saladukhin I, Abadias G, Uglov V, Zlotski S, Janse van Vuuren A and O’Connell JH
Structural Properties and Oxidation Resistance of ZrN/SiNx, CrN/SiNx and AlN/SiNx Multilayered Films Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering Technique
Coatings 10(2), 149 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings10020149
21. Sohatsky AS, Nguyen TV, Skuratov VA, Bobrikov IA, O'Connell JH, Neethling J and Zdorovets M
To a question of temperature driven gas swelling in helium doped ferritic alloys
Journal of Nuclear Materials 533, 152089 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152089
22. Suliali NJ, Goosen WE and Botha JR
Control of pore density on TiO2 nanostructure films: Effect of etchant quantity and anodic voltage
Physica B: Condensed Matter 576, 411734 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2019.411734
23. Suliali NJ, Mbulanga CM, Goosen WE, Betz R and Botha JR
Numerical modelling of anodization reaction kinetics for TiO2 nanotubular-film growth in NH4F-based electrolytes
Electrochimica Acta 337, 135791 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2020.135791
24. Suliali NJ, Mbulanga CM, Goosen WE and Botha JR
Current density transient response to variations in synthesis parameters during anodic growth of TiO2 nanotubes
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 109, 104931 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mssp.2020.104931
25. Uglov VV, Abadias G, Zlotski SV, Saladukhin IA, Kozlovskiy AL, Zdorovets MV, Skuratov VA, Janse van Vuuren A and O'Connell J
Tolerance of MeN/Si3N4 (Me= Zr, Al, Cr) multilayered systems to radiation erosion
Surface and Coatings Technology 399, 126146 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.126146
26. Van Rooyen M, Becker TH, Westraadt JE and Marx G
Measurement of creep deformation of ex-service 12% Cr steel using digital image correlation
The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 55(3-4), 71-85 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0309324720904517
27. Venter DA and O'Connell JH
Microstructural characterization of depth dependant crystal rotation in 593 MeV Au irradiated NiO at 45° incidence
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 473, 43-47 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2020.04.004
28. Wolf M, Gibson EK, Olivier EJ, Neethling JH, Catlow CR, Fischer N and Claeys M
In-depth characterisation of metal-support compounds in spent Co/SiO2 Fischer-Tropsch model catalysts
Catalysis Today 342, 71-78 (2020)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2019.01.065
1. Abdelbagi HA, Skuratov VA, Motloung SV, Njoroge EG, Mlambo M, Malherbe JB, O'Connell JH, Hlatshwayo TT
Effect of swift heavy ions irradiation in the migration of silver implanted into polycrystalline SiC.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 46, 201-209 (2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2019.10.002
2. Adegbenjo AO, Olubambi PA, Westraadt JE, Lesufi M and Mphahlele MR
Interface Analysis of Spark Plasma Sintered Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Ti6Al4V
JOM 71, 7, 2262–2271 (2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11837-019-03476-x
3. Falodun OE, Obadele BA, Oke SR and Westraadt J
Characterization of spark plasma sintered TiN nanoparticle strengthened titanium alloy using EBSD and TKD
Materials Research Bulletin 117, 90-95 (2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.materresbull.2019.04.031
4. Fowler L, Janse Van Vuuren A, Goosen W, Engqvist H, Öhman-Mägi C, Norgren S
Investigation of Copper Alloying in a TNTZ-Cux Alloy
Materials 12, 22, 3691 (2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ma12223691
5. Govender A, Olivier EJ, Carleschi E, Prestat E, Haigh SJ, Van Rensburg H, Doyle BP, Barnard W, Forbes RP, Neethling JH and Van
Steen E
Morphological and compositional changes of MFe2O4@Co3O4 (M = Ni, Zn) core-shell nanoparticles after mild reduction
Materials Characterization 155, 109806 (2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2019.109806
6. Janse van Vuuren A, Saifulin MM, Skuratov VA, O'Connell JH, Aralbayeva G, Dauletbekova A, Zdorovets M
The influence of stopping power and temperature on latent track formation in YAP and YAG
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 460, 67 – 73 (2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2018.11.032
7. Janse van Vuuren A, Skuratov V, Ibrayeva A and Zdorovets M
Microstructural Effects of Al Doping on Si3N4 Irradiated with Swift Heavy Ions
Acta Physica Polonica A 136, 241-244 (2019)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12693/APhysPolA.136.241
8. Khmelnitski RA, Kononenko VV, O'Connell JH, Skuratov VA, Syrykh GF, Gippius AA, Gorbunov SA, Volkov AE
Effect of the electronic kinetics on graphitization of diamond irradiated with swift heavy ions and fs-laser pulses
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 460, 47-51 (2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2018.11.021
9. Kratochvílová I, Ashcheulov P, Škarohlíd J, Škoda R, Kopeček J, Sajdl P, Macák J, Lajčinová M, Nováková A, Neethling J, Janse van
Vuuren A, Ngongo S, Xu P, Lorinčík J and Steinbrück M
Zr alloy protection against high-temperature oxidation: coating by a double-layered structure with active and passive functional properties
Corrosion Science (In Press, 2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2019.108270
10. Kumar P, Mathpal MC, Hamad S, Rao SV, Neethling JH, Janse van Vuuren A, Njoroge EG, Kroon RE, Roos WD and Swart HC
Cu nanoclusters in ion exchanged soda-lime glass: Study of SPR and nonlinear optical behavior for photonics
Applied Materials Today 15, 323–334 (2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmt.2019.02.016
11. Mbulanga CM, Erasmus RM, Urgessa ZN, Tankio Djiokap SR, Olivier EJ, Goosen WE, Botha JR and Betz R
Raman spectroscopy characterisation of oriented bundles of single‑crystal rutile‑phase TiO2 nanorods prepared by hydrothermal bath
deposition on transparent conducting substrates
Applied Physics A 25, 389 (2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00339-019-2688-4
12. Neethling JH, Janse van Vuuren A, Olivier EJ and van Aken PA
TEM and HAADF STEM Imaging of Dislocation Loops in Irradiated GaAs
Acta Physica Polonica A 136, 245-249 (2019)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12693/APhysPolA.136.245
13. O’Connell JH, Lee ME and Skuratov VA
Observation of Stabilized Tetragonal Latent Tracks Induced by Single SHI Impacts in Monoclinic Natural Zirconia at Room Temperature
Acta Physica Polonica A 136, 237-240 (2019)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12693/APhysPolA.136.237
14. O’Connell JH, Skuratov VA, Janse van Vuuren A and Rymzhanov RA
Overview of SHI Induced Track Morphology in Crystalline Non-Metals from Direct Observation with TEM
Acta Physica Polonica A 136, 233-236 (2019)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12693/APhysPolA.136.233
15. Oke SR, Ige OO, Falodun OE, Olubambi PA and Westraadt J
Densification and grain boundary nitrides in spark plasma sintered SAF 2205 -TiN composite
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 81, 78-84 (2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2019.02.021
16. Olivier EJ, Neethling JH and Van Rooyen IJ
Investigation of the structure and chemical nature of Pd fission product agglomerations in irradiated TRISO particle SiC
Journal of Nuclear Materials (Accepted, 2019)
17. Rymzhanov RA, Medvedev N, O’Connell JH, Janse van Vuuren A, Skuratov VA and Volkov AE
Recrystallization as the governing mechanism of ion track formation
Scientific Reports-Nature 9, 3837 (2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-40239-9
18. Saifulin MM, O'Connell JH, Janse van Vuuren A, Skuratov VA, Kirilkin NS, Zdorovets MV
Latent tracks in bulk yttrium-iron garnet crystals irradiated with low and high velocity krypton and xenon ions
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 460, 98 – 103 (2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2018.11.023
19. Sohatsky AS, Skuratov VA, Janse van Vuuren A, Van Tiep N, O'Connell JH, Ibraeva A, Zdorovets M, Petrovich S
Helium in swift heavy ion irradiated ODS alloys
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 460, 80-85 (2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2019.04.007
20. Spezzati G, Benavidez AD, DeLaRiva AT, Su Y, Hofmann JP, Asahina S, Olivier EJ, Neethling JH, Miller JT, Datye AK and Hensen EJM
CO Oxidation by Pd Supported on CeO2(100) and CeO2(111) Facets
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 243, 36-46 (2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apcatb.2018.10.015
21. Van Rooyen M, Becker T, Westraadt J and Marx G
Creep damage assessment of ex-service 12% Cr power plant steel using digital image correlation and quantitative microstructural
Materials 12, 19, 3106 (2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ma12193106
22. Wolf M, Gibson EK, Olivier EJ, Neethling JH, Catlow CR, Fischer N and Claeys M
In-depth characterisation of metal-support compounds in spent Co/SiO2 Fischer-Tropsch model catalysts
Catalysis Today (In Press, 2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2019.01.065
23. Wolf M, Gibson EK, Olivier EJ, Neethling JH, Catlow CR, Fischer N and Claeys M
Water-induced formation of cobalt-support compounds under simulated high conversion Fischer-Tropsch environment
ACS Catalysis 9, 6, 4902-4918 (2019)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.9b00160
- Ahia CC, Tile N, Botha JR and Olivier EJ
Photoluminescence and Structural Properties of Unintentional Single and Double InGaSb/GaSb Quantum Wells Grown by MOVPE
Physica B 535, 13-19 (2018)
- Tile N, Ahia CC, Olivier J and Botha JR
Atmospheric Pressure-MOVPE Growth of GaSb/GaAs Quantum Dots
Physica B 535, 20-23 (2018)
- O’Connell JH, Lee ME, Westraadt J and Engelbrecht JAA
Defect Characterization of MOCVD Grown AlN/AlGaN Films on Sapphire Substrates by TEM and TKD
Physica B 535, 293-298 (2018)
- Olivier EJ, Neethling JH, Kroon RE, Naidoo SR, Allen CS, Sawada H, van Aken PA and Kirkland AI
Imaging the Atomic Structure and Local Chemistry of Platelets in Natural Type Ia Diamond
Nature Materials 17, 243-248 (2018)
- Khumalo ZM, Topić M, Comrie C, Opperdoes B, van Vuuren AJ and Blumenthal M
Growth of Self-aligned PtSi Silicide Nanowires and Nanoclusters on p-type Si (111) by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Thin Solid Films 648, 26–30 (2018)
- Genga RM, Cornish LA, Woydt M, Janse van Vuuren A and Polese C
Microstructure, Mechanical and Machining Properties of LPS and SPS NbC Cemented Carbides for Face-milling of Grey Cast Iron
International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 73, 111–120 (2018)
- Mbulanga CM, Tankio Djiokap SR, Urgessa ZN, Janse van Vuuren A, Betz R and Botha JR
Formation Mechanism of the Rutile-phase of TiO2 Nanorods on Ti Foil Substrate by Gel-calcination Method
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 85, 610–620 (2018)
- Xu X, Westraadt JE, Odqvist J, Youngs TGA, King SM and Hedström P
Effect of Heat Treatment Above the Miscibility Gap on Nanostructure Formation due to Spinodal Decomposition in Fe-52.85 at.%Cr
Acta Materialia 145, 347-358 (2018)
- Rymzhanov RA, Medvedev N, Volkov AE, O’Connell JH and Skuratov VA
Overlap of Swift Heavy Ion Tracks in Al2O3
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 435, 121-125 (2018)
- Dhladhla BIR, Mwanza P, Lee ME, Moore S and Dealtry GB
Comparison of Microscopic and Molecular Enumeration Methods for Insect Viruses: Cryptophlebia leucotreta Granulovirus as a Case Study
Journal of Virological Methods 256, 107–110 (2018)
- O'Connell JH, Aralbayeva G, Skuratov VA, Saifulin M, Janse van Vuuren A, Akilbekov A and Zdorovets M
Temperature Dependence of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation Induced Hillocks in TiO2
Materials Research Express 5, 055015 (2018) - Jumare AI, Abou-El-Hossein K, Goosen WE, Cheng Y-C, Abdulkadir LN, Odedeyi PB and Liman MM
Prediction Model for Single-point Diamond Tool-tip Wear During Machining of Optical Grade Silicon
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 98, 2519–2529 (2018)
- Hart GLW, Nelson LJ, Vanfleet RR, Campbell BJ, Sluiter MHF, Neethling JH, Olivier EJ, Allies S, Lang CI, Meredig B and Wolverton C
Revisiting the Revised Ag-Pt Phase Diagram
Acta Materialia 124, 325-332 (2017)
- Ahia CC, Tile N, Urgessa ZN, Botha JR and Neethling JH
An Investigation of Near-infrared Photoluminescence from AP-MOVPE Grown InSb/GaSb Quantum Dot Structures
Journal of Crystal Growth 458, 53–59 (2017) - Matthews RP, Knutsen RD, Westraadt JE and Couvant T
Intergranular Oxidation of 316L Stainless Steel in the PWR Primary Water Environment
Corrosion Science 125, 175-183 (2017) - Uglov VV, Abadias G, Zlotski SV, Saladukhin IA, Safronov IV, Shymanski VI, Janse van Vuuren A, O'Connell J, Skuratov V and Neethling JH
Features of Microstructure of ZrN, Si3N4 and ZrN/SiNx Nanoscale Films Irradiated by Xe Ions
Vacuum 143, 491-494 (2017) - Minnaar EG, Westraadt JE and Neethling JH
Microstructural Characterization of Polycrystalline Diamond Sintered at Ultrahigh Pressures
Microscopy and Microanalysis 23 (S1), 2288- 2289 (2017)
Proceedings of Microscopy & Microanalysis 2017 - Abbass AE, Janse Van Vuuren A, Swart HC and Kroon RE
Distinguishing the Nature of Silver Incorporated in Sol-gel Silica
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 475, 71-75 (2017)
- Vlasenko S,Benediktovitch A, Ulyanenkov A, Uglov V, Abadias G, O’Connell J and Janse van Vuuren A
Microstructure Characterization of Multilayer Thin Coatings ZrN/Si3N4 by X-Ray Diffraction Using Noncoplanar Measurement Geometry
Phys. Status Solidi A, 1700670 (2017)
- Marx G, Engelbrecht JAA, Lee M, Wagener M and Henry A
Comments on a Peak of AlxGa1-xN Observed by Infrared Reflectance
Infrared Physics and Technology 76, 493–499 (2016)
- van Rooyen IJ, Olivier EJ and Neethling JH
Fission Products Silver, Palladium, and Cadmium Identification in Neutron-irradiated SiC TRISO Particles Using a Cs-Corrected HRTEM
Journal of Nuclear Materials 476, 93-101 (2016)
- Vlasenko S, Benediktovitch A, Ulyanenkova T, Uglov V, Skuratov V, O'Connell J and Neethling J
Evaluation of Microstructural Parameters of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steels from X-ray Diffraction Profiles
Journal of Nuclear Materials 470, 139-146 (2016)
- Mwanza P, Hilliar S, Dealtry G, Lee M, Hill M and Moore S
Determination of Reapplication Frequency Required for the Cryptophlebia leucotreta granulovirus: A Factor of Rate of Virus Breakdown and Larval Behaviour
Microbial and Nematode Control of Invertebrate Pests IOBC-WPRS Bulletin 113, 151-154 (2016)
- O’Connell JH, Skuratov VA, Akilbekov A, Zhumazhanova A and Janse van Vuuren A
EM Study of Latent Track Morphology in TiO2Single Crystals
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 379, 200-205 (2016)
- O’Connell JH, Rymzhanov RA, Skuratov VA, Volkov AE and Kirilkin NS
Latent Tracks and Associated Strain in Al2O3 Irradiated with Swift Heavy Ions
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 374, 97–101 (2016)
- Skuratov VA, Sohatsky AS, O'Connell JH, Kornieieva K, Nikitina AA, Uglov VV, Neethling JH and Ageev VS
Latent Tracks of Swift Heavy Ions in Cr23C6 and Y-Ti-O Nanoparticles in ODS Alloys
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 374, 102–106 (2016)
- Engelbrecht JAA, Sephton B, Minnaar E and Wagener MC
An Alternative Method to Determine the Refractive Index of AlxGa1−xN
Physica B: Condensed Matter 480, 181-185 (2016)
- O'Connell JH, Lee ME, Yagoub MYA, Swart HC and Coetsee E
Characterization of Crystallite Morphology for Doped Strontium Fluoride Nanophosphors by TEM and XRD
Physica B: Condensed Matter 480, 169-173 (2016)
- Prakash J, Kumar P, Harris R, Swart C, Neethling J, Janse van Vuuren A and Swart H
Synthesis, Characterization and Multifunctional Properties of Plasmonic Ag-TiO2 Nanocomposites
Nanotechnology 27, 355707 (2016)
- Schneider L, Rinkel T, Voß B, Chrobak A, Klare JP, Neethling J, Olivier J, Schaniel D, Bendeif E-E, Bondino F, Magnano E, Píš I, Balinski K, Wollschläger J, Steinhoff H-J, Haaseb M and Kuepper K
Characterization of Multifunctional β-NaEuF4/ NaGdF4 Core–shell Nanoparticles with Narrow Size Distribution
Nanoscale 8, 2832–2843 (2016)
- O'Connell J, Skuratov V, Janse van Vuuren A, Saifulin M and Akilbekov A
Near Surface Latent Track Morphology of SHI Irradiated TiO2
Physica Status Solidi B 253, 2144-2149 (2016)
- Hlatshwayo TT, O'Connell JH, Skuratov VA, Wendler E, Njoroge EG, Mlamboa M and Malherbe JB
Comparative Study of the Effect of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation at 500°C and Annealing at 500°C on Implanted Silicon Carbide
RSC Advances 6, 68593–68598 (2016)
- Fischer N, Henkel R, Kotzé H, Fürst M, Olivier J, Neethling J and Claeys M
Acetonitrile via CO Hydrogenation in the Presence of NH3
Catalysis Communications 87, 14–17 (2016)
- Kornieieva K, Skuratov V, Sohatsky A, O’Connell JH, Golovin Y, Korenkov V and Neethling JH
Nanomechanical Testing of ODS Steels Irradiated with 1 MeV/amu Heavy Ions
Philosophical Magazine 96, 3430-3441 (2016)
- Govender A, Barnard W, Olivier EJ, Forbes RP, Van Steen E, Neethling JH
Synthesis and Characterization of NiFe2O4@Co3O4 Core-shell Nanoparticles
Materials Characterization 121, 93-102 (2016) - du Plessis HE, de Villiers JPR, Tuling A and Olivier EJ
Stacking Disorder in Silicon Carbide Supported Cobalt Crystallites: an X-ray Diffraction, Electron Diffraction and High Resolution Electron Microscopy Study
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18, 30183-30188 (2016) - Xu X, Odqvist J, Colliander MH, Thuvander M, Steuwer A, Westraadt J, King S and Hedström P
Structural Characterization of Phase Separation in Fe-Cr: A Current Comparison of Experimental Methods
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47, 5942–5952 (2016) - Janse van Vuuren A, Sohatsky A, Uglov V, Skuratov V and Volkov A
The Effect of Helium Irradiation on the Thermal Evolution of the Microstructure of nc-ZrN
Physica Status Solidi C 13, 886-889 (2016) - Saifulin M, O'Connell J, Skuratov V and Janse van Vuuren A
Conicity of Latent Tracks in the Near Surface Region as a Factor Affecting the Correct Evaluation of Track Size
Physica Status Solidi C 13, 908-912 (2016) - Skuratov VA, Sohatsky AS, O'Connell JH, Kornieieva K, Nikitina AA, Neethling JH, Ageev VS, Zdorovets M and Volkov AD
Stability of Y-Ti-O Nanoparticles in ODS Alloys During Heat Treatment and High Temperature Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation
Physica Status Solidi C 13, 927-931 (2016) - Mpofu BS, Goosen WE, Kurehwatira J, Myers MJ, Munjeri K and Gutu T
Utilization of Scanning Electron Microscopy to Optimize Electroless Deposition of Pd Thin Film on Porous Stainless Steel
Microscopy and Microanalysis 22, S3, 1622-1623 (2016)
Proceedings of Microscopy and Microanalysis 2016 - Gutu T, Minnaar E, Olivier JE, Kurehwatira J, Munjeri K, Mpofu BS and Myers MJ
The Effects of Seeding Strategies on Morphology of Electroless Deposited Pd Thin Film
Microscopy and Microanalysis 22, S3, 1594-1595 (2016)
Proceedings of Microscopy and Microanalysis 2016 - Abadias G, Uglov VV, Saladukhin IA, Zlotski SV, Tolmachova G, Dub SN and Janse van Vuuren A
Growth, Structural and Mechanical Properties of Magnetron-sputtered ZrN/SiNx Nanolaminated Coatings
Surface & Coatings Technology 308, 158–167 (2016) - van Schalkwyk F, Pattrick G, Olivier J, Conrad O and Blair S
Development and Scale Up of Enhanced ORR Pt-based Catalysts for PEMFCs
Fuel Cells 16 (4), 414-427 (2016)
- Masina CJ, Neethling JH, Olivier EJ, Ferg E, Manzini S, Lodya L, Mohlala P and Ngobeni MW
Mechanism of Reduction in Hydrogen Atmosphere and Thermal Transformation of Synthetic Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles
Thermochimica Acta 599, 73-83 (2015) - Westraadt JE, Sigalas I and Neethling JH
Characterisation of Thermally Degraded Polycrystalline Diamond
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 48, 286-292 (2015) - Genga RM, Akdogan G, Westraadt JE and Cornish LA
Microstructure and Material Properties of PECS Manufactured WC-NbC-CO and WC-TiC-Ni Cemented Carbides
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 49, 240-248 (2015) - Skuratov VA, Sohatsky AS, O’ Connell JH, Kornieieva K, Nikitina AA, Neethling JH and Ageev VS
Swift Heavy Ion Tracks in Y2Ti2O7 Nanoparticles in EP450 ODS Steel
Journal of Nuclear Materials 456, 111-114 (2015) - O’ Connell JH and Neethling JH
Palladium and Ruthenium Supported Silver Migration in 3C–Silicon Carbide
Journal of Nuclear Materials 456, 436-441 (2015) - Motochi I, Naidoo SR, Mathe BA, Erasmus R, Aradi E, Derry TE and Olivier EJ
Surface Brillouin Scattering on Annealed Ion-implanted CVD Diamond
Diamond and Related Materials 56, 6-12 (2015) - Kumar V, Swart H, Gohain M, Bezuidenhoudt B, Janse van Vuuren A, Lee M and Ntwaeaborwa O
The Role of Neutral and Ionized Oxygen Defects in the Emission of Tin Oxide Nanocrystals for Near White Light Application
Nanotechnology 26, 295703 (2015) - Masina CJ, Neethling JH, Olivier EJ, Manzini S, Lodya L, Scrot V and Van Aken PA
Structural and Magnetic Properties of Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles
RCS Advances 5, 39643-39650 (2015) - Vilane VN, Knutsen RD and Westraadt JE
Contribution of Hydrogen Promoted Aluminium Partitioning to Tempered ά Martensite Embrittlement in Ti-6Al-4V
Materials Science Forum 828-829, 181-187 (2015) - Korneeva KA, Sohatsky AS, O’Connell J, Skuratov VA, Nikitina AA, Golovin Yu I, Korenkov VV and Neethling J
Radiation Hardening of ODS Steels Irradiated with Heavy Ions of Fission Fragment Energy
Physics and Chemistry of Materials Processing 4, 10-17 (2015) (Russian journal) - Andreoli MAG, Przybylowicz WJ, Kramers J, Belyanin G, Westraadt J, Bamford M, Mesjasz-Przybylowicz J and Venter A
PIXE Micro-mapping of Minor Elements in Hypatia, a Diamond Bearing Carbonaceous Stone from the Libyan Desert Glass Area, Egypt: Inheritance from a Cold Molecular Cloud?
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 363, 79-85 (2015) - Hlatshwayo TT, O’Connell JH, Skuratov VA, Msimanga M, Kuhudzai JK, Njoroge EG and Malherbe JB
Effect of Xe Ion (167 MeV) Irradiation on Polycrystalline SiC Implanted with Kr and Xe at Room Temperature
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48, 465306 (2015) - Westraadt JE, Olivier EJ, Neethling JH, Hedström P, Odqvist J, Xu X and Steuwer A
A High-resolution Analytical Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of the Early Stages of Spinodal Decomposition in Binary Fe–Cr
Materials Characterization 109, 216–221 (2015) - Engelbrecht JAA, Deyzel G, Minnaar EG, Goosen WE and Van Rooyen IJ
Assessment of Neutron-irradiated 3C-SiC Implanted at 800°C
Journal of Applied Optics 36, 937-941 (2015)
- Chubarov M, Pederson H, Högberg H, Flippov S, Engelbrecht JAA, O'Connell JH and Henry A
Boron Nitride: A New Photonic Material
Physica B: Condensed Matter 439, 29-34 (2014) - Engelbrecht JAA, Deyzel G, Minnaar EG, Goosen WE and van Rooyen IJ
The Influence of Neutron-irradiation at Low Temperatures on the Dielectric Parameters of 3C-SiC
Physica B: Condensed Matter 439, 169-172 (2014) - O'Connell JH and Neethling JH
Ag Transport in High Temperature Neutron Irradiated 3C-SiC
Journal of Nuclear Materials 445, 20-25 (2014) - Kumarakuru H, Coombes MJ, Neethling JH and Westraadt JE
Fabrication of Cu2S Nanoneedles by Self-assembly of Nanoparticles via Simple Wet Chemical Route
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 589, 67-75 (2014) - Kumarakuru H, Urgessa ZN, Olivier EJ, Botha JR, Venter A and Neethling JH
Growth of ZnS-coated ZnO Nanorod Arrays on (100) Silicon Substrate by Two-step Chemical Synthesis
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 612, 154-162 (2014) - Kumar V, Kumar V, Som S, Neethling JH, Olivier EJ, Ntwaeaborwa OM and Swart HC
The Role of Surface and Deep-level Defects on the Emission of Tin Oxide Quantum Dots
Nanotechnology 25, 135701 (2014) - Mokoena PP, Nagpure IM, Kumar V, Kroon RE, Olivier EJ, Neethling JH, Swart HC and Ntwaeaborwa OM
Enhanced UVB Emission and Analysis of Chemical States of Ca5(PO4)3OH:Gd3+,Pr3+ Phosphor Prepared by Co-precipitation
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 75, 998-1003 (2014) - Thanh TD, Dan NH, Phan T-L, Kumarakuru H, Olivier EJ, Neethling JH and Yu S-C
Critical Behavior of the Ferromagnetic-paramagnetic Phase Transition in Fe90-xNixZr10 Alloy Ribbons
Journal of Applied Physics 115, 023903 (2014) - Janse van Vuuren A, Neethling JH, Skuratov VA, Uglov VV and Petrovich S
The Effect of He and Swift Heavy Ions on Nanocrystalline Zirconium Nitride
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 326, 19-22 (2014) - Skuratov VA, O'Connell JH, Kirilkin NS and Neethling JH
On the Threshold of Damage Formation in Aluminum Oxide via Electronic Excitations
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 326, 223-227 (2014) - O'Connell JH, Skuratov VA, Sohatsky AS and Neethling JH
1.2 MeV/amu Xe Ion Induced Damage Recovery in SiC
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 326, 337-340 (2014) - Skuratov VA, O'Connell JH, Sohatsky AS and Neethling JH
TEM Study of Damage Recovery in SiC by Swift Xe Ion Irradiation
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 327, 89-92 (2014) - Nshingabigwi EK, Derry TE, Naidoo SR, Neethling JH, Olivier EJ, O'Connell JH and Lewitt CM
Electron Microscopy Profiling of Ion Implantation Damage in Diamond: Dependence on Fluence and Annealing
Diamond and Related Materials 49, 1-8 (2014) - Longo P, Twesten RD and Olivier J
Probing the Chemical Structure in Diamond-based Materials Using Combined Low-loss and Core-loss Electron Energy-loss Spectroscopy
Microscopy and Microanalysis 20, 779-783 (2014) - Yagoub MYA, Swart HC, Noto LL, O'Connel JH, Lee ME and Coetsee E
The Effects of Eu-concentrations on the Luminescent Properties of SrF2: Eu Nanophosphor
Journal of Luminescence 156, 150-156 (2014) - Faber C, Rowe CD, Miller JA, Fagereng A and Neethling JH
Silica Gel in a Fault Slip Surface: Field Evidence for Palaeo-earthquakes?
Journal of Structural Geology 69, 108-121 (2014)
- Cronje S, Kroon RE, Roos WD and Neethling JH
Twinning in Copper Deformed at High Strain Rates
Bulletin of Materials Science 36, 157-162 (2013) - Agarwal S, Lefferts L, Mojet BL, Ligthart DA, Hensen EJ, Mitchell DR, Erasmus WJ, Anderson BG, Olivier EJ, Neethling JH and Datye AK
Exposed Surfaces on Shape-Controlled Ceria Nanoparticles Revealed through AC-TEM and Water–Gas Shift Reactivity
ChemSusChem 6, 1898-1906 (2013) - Kramers JD, Andreoli MAG, Atanasova M, Belyanin GA, Block DL, Franklyn C, Harris C, Lekgoathi M, Montross CS, Ntsoane T, Pischedda V, Segonyane P, Viljoen KS and Westraadt JE
Unique Chemistry of a Diamond-bearing Pebble from the Libyan Desert Glass Strewnfield, SW Egypt: Evidence for a Shocked Comet Fragment
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 382, 21-31 (2013) - Urgessa ZN, Oluwafemi OS, Olivier EJ, Neethling JH and Botha JR
Synthesis of Well-aligned ZnO Nanorods on Silicon Substrate at Lower Temperature
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 580, 120-124 (2013) - Olivier EJ and Neethling JH
The Role of Pd in the Transport of Ag in SiC
Journal of Nuclear Materials 432, 252-260 (2013) - Skuratov VA, Uglov VV, O'Connell JH, Sohatsky AS, Neethling JH and Rogozhkin SV
Radiation Stability of the ODS Alloys Against Swift Heavy Ion Impact
Journal of Nuclear Materials 442, 449-457 (2013) - Janse van Vuuren A, Skuratov VA, Uglov VV, Neethling JH and Zlotski SV
Radiation Tolerance of Nanostructured ZrN Coatings Against Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation
Journal of Nuclear Materials 442, 507-511 (2013) - Garrett JC, Sigalas I, Herrmann M, Olivier EJ and O'Connell JH
cBN Reinforced Y-α-SiAlON Composites
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 33, 2191-2198 (2013) - Urgessa ZN, Talla K, Dobson SR, Oluwafemi OS, Olivier EJ, Neethling JH and Botha JR
Mechanisms of Self-assembly in Solution Grown ZnO Nanorods
Materials Letters 108, 280-284 (2013) - Thyse EL, Akdogan G, Olivier EJ, O'Connell JH, Neethling JH, Taskinen P and Eksteen JJ
3D Insights into Nickel Converter Matte Phases: Direct Observations via TEM and FIB-SEM Tomography
Minerals Engineering 52, 2-7 (2013) - Robertson AW, Montanari B, He K, Kim J, Allen CS, Wu YA, Olivier EJ, Neethling JH, Harrison N, Kirkland AI and Warner JH
Dynamics of Single Fe Atoms in Graphene Vacancies
Nano Letters 13, 1468-1475 (2013) - Rymzhanov RA, O'Connell J, Skuratov VA, Sohatsky AS, Neethling JH, Volkov AE and Havancsak K
Effect of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation on Transformations of Oxide Nanoclusters in ODS Alloys
Physica Status Solidi (c) 10, 681-684 (2013)
- Murape DM, Eassa N, Neethling JH, Betz R, Coetsee E, Swart HC, Botha JR and Venter A
Treatment for GaSb Surfaces Using a Sulphur Blended (NH4)2S/(NH4)2S04 Solution
Applied Surface Science 258, 6753-6758 (2012) - Heiligers C, Pretorius C and Neethling JH
Interdiffusion of Hafnium and Titanium Carbide During Hot-pressing
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 31, 51-55 (2012) - van Rooyen IJ, Engelbrecht JAA, Henry A, Janzén E, Neethling JH and van Rooyen PB
The Effect of Grain Size and Phosphorous-doping of Polycrystalline 3C-SiC on Infrared Reflectance Spectra
Journal of Nuclear Materials 422, 103-108 (2012) - Antonova IV, Skuratov VA, Volodin VA, Popov VI, Marin D, Janse van Vuuren A, Neethling JH, Jedrzejewski J and Balberg I
Formation of Ge Nanocrystals in Ge:SiO2 Layers due to Assistance of Swift Heavy Ions
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45, 285302 (2012) - Robertson AW, Allen CS, Wu YA, He K, Olivier EJ, Neethling JH, Kirkland AI and Warner JH
Spatial Control of Defect Creation in Graphene at the Nanoscale
Nature Communications 3, 1144 (2012) - Olivier EJ and Neethling JH
Palladium Transport in SiC
Nuclear Engineering and Design 244, 25-33 (2012) - Neethling JH, O'Connell JH and Olivier EJ
Palladium Assisted Silver Transport in Polycrystalline SiC
Nuclear Engineering and Design 251, 230-234 (2012) - van Rooyen IJ, Neethling JH, Henry A, Janzén E, Mokoduwe SM, Janse van Vuuren A and Olivier EJ
Effects of Phosphorous-doping and High Temperature Annealing on CVD Grown 3C-SiC
Nuclear Engineering and Design 251, 191-202 (2012) - Murape DM, Eassa N, Nyamhere C, Neethling JH, Betz R, Coetsee E, Swart HC, Botha JR and Venter A
Improved GaSb Surfaces Using a (NH4)2S/(NH4)2S04 Solution
Physica B: Condensed Matter 407, 1675-1678 (2012) - Godbole M, Olivier EJ, Coetsee E, Swart HC, Neethling JH and Botha JR
Dependence of Surface Distribution of Self-assembled InSb Nanodots on Surface Morphology and Spacer Layer Thickness
Physica B: Condensed Matter 407, 1566-1569 (2012) - Eassa N, Murape DM, Betz R, Neethling JH, Venter A and Botha JR
Surface Morphology and Electronic Structure of Halogen Etched InAs (111)
Physica B: Condensed Matter 407, 1591-1594 (2012) - Engelbrecht JAA, van Rooyen IJ, Henry A, Janzén E and Olivier EJ
The Origin of a Peak in the Reststrahlen Region of SiC
Physica B: Condensed Matter 407, 1525-1528 (2012) - O'Connell JH and Neethling JH
Investigation of the Radiation Damage and Hardness of H and He Implanted SiC
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 167, 299-306 (2012)
- Thyse EL, Akdogan G, Olivier EJ, Neethling JH, Taskinen P and Eksteen JJ
Partitioning of PGEs in Nickel Converter Matte Phases: Direct Observations by Electron Microscopy and Electron Probe Microanalysis
Minerals Engineering 24, 1288-1298 (2011) - Eassa N, Murape DM, Betz R, Coetsee E, Swart HC, Venter A, Botha JR and Neethling JH
Chalcogen Based Treatment of InAs with [(NH4)2S / (NH4)2S04]
Surface Science 605, 994-999 (2011)
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